SYRIZA supports POPEK’s position to reduce the Special Consumption Tax on heating oil

A meeting was held on August 20 between the delegation of the Panhellenic Federation of Fuel Station Owners and Oil Traders and Alexis Tsipras

The meeting that was held on August 20 between the delegation of the Panhellenic Federation of Fuel Station Owners and Oil Traders (POPEK) and main opposition SYRIZA leader Alexis Tsipras focused mainly on three topics: the fuel smuggling, the delays in the installation of the electronic inflow-outflow system during all stages of fuel transfer and distribution and also the need to reduce the Special Consumption Tax (SCT) on heating oil to 2011 levels.

Regarding the outcome of this important meeting, POPEK issued the following statement: “The meeting was held yesterday (on August 20) on the initiative of the Federation and SYRIZA leader made a commitment to support POPEK’s position to reduce the SCT on heating oil and to table a relevant amendment in parliament. At the same time the party pledged to intensify its efforts to fight smuggling, fraud and theft of fuel.”