Feb 2025
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> alliance

> alliance

US and Japanese defence ministers express “strong intention” to strengthen bilateral alliance

The government of the archipelago is concerned both about North Korea's nuclear weapons and ballistic missile development programme and the increase in Chinese military power

“Wake-up call” from NATO Secretary General about a major war: Wake up, we’re not ready for what’s coming in four to five years

In 2023, NATO allies decided to increase their military spending to 2% of GDP – “I can tell you we will need much more than 2%,” emphasized Rutte – Some NATO countries are discussing the need to raise this threshold to 3%

France: Post-Election Bargains Begin Amid Uncertainty – National Assembly Split into Three

France Awakens to an Unprecedented Atmosphere with a Fragile Left-Wing Alliance, Without a Clear Majority

NATO celebrates its 75th anniversary amid growing concern over Ukraine

The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation was born on 4 April 1949 and "built the most powerful alliance in history"

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