Tennis Marathon draws world’s champions to Greece (video)

A tennis vacation

The 2015 International Tennis Marathon Tournament, an event where tennis meets history, is a great chance for club players to combine their favorite game and a great vacation. The event, to be held from September 19 – 20, 2015, at Pallini Tennis Park, Athens – Greece, is located halfway of the Authentic Marathon Route.

The event is an innovative international tournament exclusively for adult amateur tennis players (ITN 5 – 9). This is a time-based tournament and each player will compete at least in 5 matches within the same day.


At the same time participants will have the opportunity to visit the Parthenon, the Acropolis Museum and other historical monuments of world cultural heritage, and also enjoy the Greek hospitality and lively entertainment.

For more information visit or contact the organizer at

Highlights from the 1st International Tennis Marathon (June 15, 2014):