The Hellenic Army to the rescue: It is called to help drivers on Attiki Odos – Prosecutor to investigate the chaos

Nothing will work tomorrow in the public & private sector according to government decision

The immediate intervention of the Athens Court of First Instance was caused by the chaos that has been created on Attiki Odos with the trapped drivers and the suffering they are going through from early in the morning.

In particular, the head of the Athens Court of First Instance, Mrs. Sotiria Papageorgakopoulou, ordered a preliminary examination, during which any responsibilities will be sought for the offenses of traffic disruption.

Regarding the situation on Attiki Odos, the Hellenic Army has been sent in order to help those who are trapped and provide them with everything they need, such as food or water and where possible to move them to safety.

Nothing will work the in public and private sector as it was announced by Minister of Civil Protection Christos Stylianidis.

See Also:

Long traffic jam on Attiki Odos due to the heavy snowfall (photos)