Trans-Siberian super highway to connect London to New York?!

Go East

A flight between London and New York lasts about seven hours. But for adventure lovers everywhere, there may soon be a second choice: To drive there!


This is, as many things that are over the top, a Russian idea, specifically by Russian Railways president Vladimir Yakunin. What do they propose? An unbelievable feat. An almost endless super highway, which only in mainland Russia, will have the immense length of over 10,000 kilometers!


The plan which was presented in the Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow has not yet clarified whether the Siberia-Alaska gap will be overcome by a tunnel or a bridge, either of which will be huge feats in themselves, since the gap is 88 km long and it’s at a point on the planet where harsh weather is commonplace.


There was, of course, no talk of the hypothetical project’s total cost, as well as any reasons that might lure potential investors forward who might have something to gain, since the road will follow the Transiberian railway line which connects Moscow to the Pacific.


If someone managed to ever complete this almost superhuman project, the rest of the way (London to Moscow, Alaska to New York) would be child’s play, comparably. Still, there’s airplanes…