Tsipras: SYRIZA is a guarantor of social, economic and political stability

He demanded that we immediately resort to the people’s verdict

Mr. Alexis Tsipras while speaking this morning at the meeting of the Executive Committee of the Party of the European Left, which takes place in Athens stated that: “Only SYRIZA can guaranty social, economic and political stability in Greece”.

At the same time he accused government for today’s “Political and institutional uncertainty”.

The leader of SYRIZA also stated that: “there is universal policy certainty that the next government will the one of SYRIZA ” and added that SYRIZA “will be a government of social stability and political salvation. SYRIZA will be a government combining all progressive political forces, a government of the Greeks.

Further Mr. Tsipras presented the positions of his party, which according to him are opposed to the policy in Europe, noting that the austerity policy has led not only in Greece but throughout Europe to a deadlocked.

The SYRIZA leader noted that the crisis also proves to be dangerous and among other he stressed that he “had enough of the ‘success story’ while our country sinks in poverty and exclusion generated by the policy of memoranda in Greece”.