Washington Post: Greece’s poor back to where they were in …1980

The Washington Post documents the effects of the economic crisis on Greece’s poor. It points out that progress made in the previous 28 years for Greece’s lower socio-economic classes was wiped out in the last seven years. The unemployment rate peaked at 28% and cities are filled with smog in the winter as people who […]

The Washington Post documents the effects of the economic crisis on Greece’s poor. It points out that progress made in the previous 28 years for Greece’s lower socio-economic classes was wiped out in the last seven years.

The unemployment rate peaked at 28% and cities are filled with smog in the winter as people who couldn’t afford heating turned to cheaper materials to burn in fireplaces.

The article, entitled “Greece’s poor are back to where they were in 1980”, says the left-wing SYRIZA government has made this problem a priority.