Amphipolis dig site: Five parts of the third gate have been discovered

Will the burial chamber’s style bear classical Greek lines or will it be influenced by Egyptian lines like Phillip’s burial site?

Archaeologists in Amphipolis are picking the marble door pieces one by one, having gathered five so far. At the same time they are looking for pieces that have not yet been discovered.

Culture ministry sources suggest that next week, when the third chamber has been cleaned, some questions will be answered.

Currently the soil is one and a half meters in front of the third game and much higher in the third chamber itself. The lowering of the soil levels in the second chamber will bring to light two marble slabs of the roof that are yet to be found, while the third is expected to reveal the stairs and the small gate at the end of it.

Propping attempts within the third chamber are ongoing, which is the hardest part so far, while the discovery of the fourth gate will follow.

There is no picture yet available to the media since the multiple stilts make it impossible.

According to historical discoveries there should be a gate at the end of the staircase which will lead to the burial chamber, so it is possible that the gate will lead us to the burial hall.

Will the burial chamber’s style bear classical Greek lines or will it be influenced by Egyptian lines like Phillip’s burial site?

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