Nimetz on FYROM name dispute: It is time to make decisions

UN special envoy in Greece for talks

“We need to see this as an opportunity, to hear both sides. We have been discussing the issue for 25 years now, everyone knows what the issues are. It’s time to make decisions. There is no reason to wait and procrastinate”, the UN special envoy on the name of Skopje Matthew Nimetz said following his meeting with Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Kotzias in Athens, Tuesday. The two met for a little over 15 minutes. When asked about a possible timeframe for reaching a solution, Mr Nimetz underlined the need to take advantage of the momentum, reiterating that the time of “decision-making” had arrived. He went on to say that both parties had demonstrated willingness. “The Greek government is serious and has been active towards a solution”, he underlined. The Greek Foreign Minister avoided making any statements. Earlier, the UN special envoy had talked to major opposition party New Democracy (ND), shadow Foreign Minister, George Koumoutsakos for an hour on the matter.

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