Coronavirus poll: 50% Greeks believe they will contract the virus

87% have a positive view on how the PM handled the crisis

A nationwide survey revealed that 50% of Greeks believed they would be infected with the coronavirus. According to a poll conducted by Interview poll,  87% of the respondents had a favourable view of how the Prime Minister’s handling of the pandemic, while 73% said their income and work had been negatively affected by the pandemic.

As the data showed, 67% got informed on the latest coronavirus developments on TV on a daily basis, 21% keep up to date two or three times a week, 7% less often and 5% never. Out of those following the news on the disease, 86% consider the information provided adequate and justified, while only 6% consider it inadequate and the rest did not respond.

Five out of ten think expressed the view that the television coverage of the coronavirus was good, as opposed to 35% who responded that television handles the issue the same as other times in the past, and 10% said the coverage was worse.

Due to coronavirus, 87% said they had increased their personal hygiene practices recently, compared to the remaining 13%. Meanwhile, 75% keep a distance of 2 metres from people they meet outdoors, 22% are sometimes forgetful and only 3% keep no distance.

Regarding work, salary or income amid the coronavirus lockdown, 73% responded they had been adversely affected. Finally, 55% estimates that the current restrictions will last until the summer, 30% believe they will be lifted by the end of April, 10% by the end of the year and 5% for another year or more.

The coronavirus study was carried out on a nationwide sample of 1,200 individuals using the iCATI-WEB methodology over a period from 27/3/2020 to 31/3/2020.

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