Junker: The Greeks pulled the plug on negotiations

The blame game continues, while pensioners line up in front of ATMs

The ‘blame game’ between Greece and its creditors over who was responsible for the break-down of negotiations continues, as Greek citizens are feeling the harsh reality of capital controls and closed banks. ECB President, Jean-Claude Junker accused the Greek government for suddenly leaving the negotiations just as the 2 sides were about to close the deal, reports Politico Europe site.  Junker made these statements during an address to members of the European People’s Party (EPP). Politico reports that the 2 sides were so close to reaching a deal when, according to Junker Greek Finance Minister, Yianis Varoufakis pulled the plug on talks over a squabble over a difference of 60 mln Euros. Reportedly Junker said that the creditors were to front-load EU funds at the disposal of Greece for the future and the Greek government didn’t take the offer.