Lagarde: Greece will need precautionary support in the post memorandum era

Contrary to the view that Greece can get through on its own ,IMF General director estimates that following the departure of the IMF from the country’s reality there will have to be some sort of safety ensuring mechanism

During statements in Washington Christine Lagarde made clear IMF’s intension to remain in Greece even after the end of the memorandum era.
On the occasion of the Greek Prime Ministers statement to Bloomberg, that Greece can get through on its own, the General director of the International Monetary Fund Christine Lagarde commented that is within Greece’s rights like any country, to decide how to handle its finances. However, she stressed that Greece continues to require “precautionary support ‘from official creditors, including IMF.
It is worth noting that Lagarde’s statement follows the warning of Draghi ,that the ECB can help the Greek banking sector with buying bonds only if the country remains in the program.
It seems that Troika wants to repeat the precautionary credit line which previously had forced Portugal to accept, of obtaining new measures.
At the same time, Lagarde expressed her satisfaction for the significant improvement that Greece achieved in terms of its fiscal image.
Speaking prior to the annual meeting of the IMF in Washington, the head of the Fund stressed that regulators of the economic life of the planet should face reforms “more seriously” otherwise, as she warned, they risk seeing their economies’ stuck in mud “of a moderate growth, high debt and unemployment.