Read 9 things the happiest people NEVER do

The happiest people are those who focus a lot more on what they do rather than on what they have

Many people believe that both professional and personal happiness is based on having a bigger house, nicer car, larger income.

However, the happiest people are those who focus a lot more on what they do rather than on what they have, the Business Insider says highlighting 9 things that the happiest people never do.

1. They don’t compare themselves to others people
No matter how successful you are, there will always be someone who is more successful. Therefore, to be happy, you should compare yourself only to the person you were yesterday and the person you hope someday to become.

2. They don’t need to succeed on their own
To achieve something along with someone else is awesome and not only do you feel good about yourself, but also you feel great about other people.

3. They don’t ignore an obvious source of fun
Realize that there’s still a kid inside you and do something that it’s really fun. That will make you happier and will help you see the world and your place in it in a different and better way.

4. They don’t wish for luck
The things we earn are infinitely more gratifying, but if you want to wish for something, wish for the strength and perseverance to earn the things you want.

5. They aren’t afraid of being afraid
Facing a fear makes you feel alive and the more alive you feel, the happier you will be.

6. They aren’t afraid to be “immature”
Do you remember how it was when you were young and followed a stupid idea to an illogical conclusion? How exciting and awesome it was? Do something no one else thinks to do, or something that doesn’t make sense to do a certain way and do it that way.

7. They don’t forget to be happy for other people
If you make someone else feel good, then you will instantly feel good, too.

8. They don’t act against their values
Pick three things you value most and live your values. You will be happy and more joyful,because in those moments, you are exactly who you truly wish to be.

9. They aren’t afraid to be themselves
Everyone wears armor to protect him from the bad things of life. But, this armor sometimes destroys. Take off your armor and you will feel free, because then you will be the person you really are and start to really like the person you really are.