SYRIZA's far-left wing says creditors 'panicked' into sending ultimatums

Here’s what they want, in a nutshell: No austerity; no privatizations, no ‘neo-lib’ policies; massive ‘haircut;, a boost in liquidity … That’s it

Ruling SYRIZA party’s far-left wing and “internal opposition” reared its head on Monday evening through a high-pitched article on an affiliated website, charging, among others, that the country’s creditors demand “Greece’s unconditional surrender within the next two days.”
In the next sentence, the column, posted on the site known to reflect the views of Minister Panagiotis Lafazanis, considers that international creditors are sending “disgraceful and panicked ultimatums to the (Greek) government.”
No clarification was given as to why creditors are more panicked that the increasingly cash-strapped Athens government.
Lafazanis, who holds the energy and production portfolio, leads the virulently anti-capitalist and communist-tinged internal opposition within SYRIZA.
The article also opines that creditors “know very well” that the radical leftist government will not agree to an agreement that includes austerity measures, “neo-liberal disruptions” and privatizations.
In upping the ante, the article says no deal could be passed by this government that also doesn’t include a “major deletion of the greater part of the debt and an increase in liquidity, which the country needs to restore its economy.”
So, the Iskra details its position of receiving more cash from creditors, partners and lenders as such…:
No new austerity measures
No privatizations
No policies it considers “neo-liberal”
A major debt “haircut”
A boost in liquidity

The piece also refers to “many alternative solutions, without austerity, privatizations and disruptions,” without bothering, however, to mention them.