On the 3rd of January Mr. Papandreou’s party formally introduces itself to the Greek political reality

He is unwavering as far as its inception is concerned. “The more they coax him into stepping back, the more decided he becomes as he sees that some people become numb with fear of losing their preferential treatment posts/seats”

All efforts by members of PASOK to sway Giorgos Papandreou  not to proceed in establishing a new party remain fruitless.

As one of the closest associates of the former Prime Minister said to protothema.gr “Giorgos is unwavering as far as its inception is concerned. “The more they coax him into stepping back, the more decided he becomes as he sees that some people become numb with fear of losing their preferential treatment posts/seats”.

And adds, that” When he sees that some people desperately try to cling to the preferential treatment that their seats offer them”.

The above reaction messages come as an “answer” from Papandreou’s side, to all the suffocating pressure of the last few hours that he has received from a series of historical strains of PASOK, in order to split the party.

Furthermore, according to the associate of Mr. Papandreou, “as history has teaches as all the Papandreous, Giorgos will start against to everyone and found the party from the beginning. ”

According to the same source, On the 3rd of January Mr. Papandreou’s party formally introduces itself to the Greek political reality.