Mexican Congress holds second UFO session featuring Peruvian mummies

“There was absolutely no human intervention in the physical and biological formation of these beings”

Mexico’s Congress heard from researchers on Tuesday who declared authentic a set of three-fingered Peruvian mummies recently presented as potential evidence of non-human life forms, while declining to certify that the remains were extraterrestrial.

Lawmakers first heard from Mexican journalist and UFO enthusiast Jaime Maussan on Sept. 13 when he presented two specimens in a first-of-its-kind congressional event on UFOs, or FANIs in Spanish. Maussan said the bodies, believed to have been found near Peru’s ancient Nazca lines, were not related to any life on Earth.

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At Tuesday’s session, Maussan was more focused on proving the bodies, which were not on display this time, were not fake, ushering in a string of doctors who all said the bodies were those of real, once-living organisms.

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