Amphipolis: The tomb may belong to a member of the royal family of Macedonia

The earth removal process at the 4.5X3 metre mosaic floor was completed to reveal a third figure, Persephone.

In an announcement released on Thursday, the Culture Ministry revealed that the scene depicted in the large mosaic that was unearthed recently at the Kasta Tomb excavation site is the Abduction of Persephone by Pluto, in the presence of psychopomp Hermes.

The earth removal process at the 4.5X3 metre mosaic floor was completed to reveal a third figure next to the bearded man, a beautiful woman.

More specifically, the announcement said that “it is a young female form with red curls, wearing a white garment with a thin red cord at her chest. She wears jewelry on the wrist of her left hand. This is clearly a mythological scene depicting Persephone’s abduction by Pluto, in the presence of psychopomp Hermes, as is customary in such scenes.”

It should be noted that Pluto wears a red garment and Hermes a yellow one.

The ministry underlined the significance and value of the mosaic which is remarkable not only due to its rich colors but also due to the perfect execution of the design. The announcement also noted the third dimension presented in the mosaic in the figures of the Hermes and Persephone and referred to a similar scene of Persephone’s abduction in the royal cemetery at Aiges.

According to reports, it is now almost certain that the tomb belongs to a member of the royal family of Macedonia or to one of the senior officials of the dynasty in the specific era.





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