Panousis talks about weird coincidences in comments made by Cells of Fire and ministers

He revealed that all information submitted to Supreme Court can be verified by both the leadership of the Hellenic Police and the Greek intelligence service

Former citizens protection minister Giannis Panousis spoke about government members linked directly to the terrorist group known as Conspiracy of Cells of Fire organization.

Responding to a reporter’s question on private SKAI TV channel, he talked about “weird coincidences”, referring to the comments made by both Cell of Fires and government ministers regarding his claims.

The Conspiracy of Cells of Fire described Panousis’s revelations as ‘jokes’, while Labor Minister George Katrougalos said that Panousis was “writing a story and had submitted the names to his notary” and Alternate Education Minister Sia Anagnostopoulou said that the accusations are of interest when someone is a minister.

Therefore, Mr. Panousis noticed some “weird coincidences” in the comments made by the terrorist group that were aligned with those of government ministers. He said: “Cells of Fire talk about imaginative scenarios and government ministers talk about a story. Did they write it together?”.

Moreover, Mr. Panousis revealed that all information submitted to Supreme Court can be verified by both the leadership of the Hellenic Police and the Greek intelligence service.

He said that he had asked the leader of Greek intelligence service to inform in detail the Prime Minister for his case and the threats for his life.